Battery Recycling

Did you know that each year in the UK we throw away around 600 million batteries? Laid end to end these batteries would reach from the UK to Australia and back again. That is a lot of batteries!!

Furthermore, according to Directgov, over 12,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions could be avoided if the country can meet its target of recycling at least 45 per cent of batteries by 2016. Our UK target for 2012 is 25%. As at 2009, approximately only 3% of all household batteries are currently recycled in the UK.

Batteries can be found in every room in the house. They're used in toys, remote controls, mobile phones, alarm clocks and even doorbells. In fact, every person in Britain uses about 10 batteries a year!

Most batteries are put into rubbish bins and then taken to landfill sites. There are lots of types of batteries which can contain dangerous chemicals (including lead, cadmium, zinc, lithium and even mercury).

When batteries begin to rot away in landfill sites these chemicals may leak into the ground which can cause soil and water pollution. This can be harmful to animals, humans and the environment.

Recycling is a great way to help protect the environment. Each battery placed in the recycling bin will be taken apart and the materials will be used to make something new.

Recycling Banks have been set up all over the country to help us achieve our targets as well as recycle bins being placed in every large supermarket or retails store selling over 32kg of portable batteries per year. Please visit to learn more about recycling your old batteries. Click on their ‘Bank Locator’ and type in your postcode to find your nearest recycle centre.

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